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uses and specifications

The land use and layout of 100 Leadenhall Street has been influenced by the following factors of the site and area:


  • Provision of up to 102,000 sq.m (GEA) high quality, flexible office accommodation to meet forecast demands in the City of London;


  • Proximity to and relationship with existing and emerging tall buildings and relationship with nearby heritage assets;


  • Townscape and visual effects with respect to the wider London skyline and protected and relevant views;


  • Interaction of the development with the public realm and connectivity with the surrounding area; and


  • Provision of efficient space within the development to allow for plant, waste storage and energy centre requirements.

 Proposed ground floor layout 





The building will be 263.4 metres AOD (862 feet AOD) tall, made up of basement storeys, a ground floor and 56 floors above.




Three levels of basement, mainly for cycle storage, servicing and plant, are proposed.


Ground Floor


Double height entrances flanked with four retail areas, comprising approximately 880 sq.m (GEA) flexible A1/A2/A3 space.


First to Fourth Floors


Podium floor including office space.


Upper Floors


Contemporary open plan office space with 360 degree views. 


Viewing Gallery


Approximately 1,900 sq.m (GEA) of publically accessible flexible viewing gallery space will be provided at the top of the building, offering spectacular views across London.




There will be 11 double deck lifts, 3 double deck shuttle lifts serving 2 sky lobbies, 6 single deck lifts to higher levels and 4 single deck lifts to podium levels.




A largely car-free development is proposed, providing 3 accessible parking bays and parking for approximately 1,400 bicycles with associated washing, changing and maintenance facilities.

Hover over the image below to view the proposed uses within the new building.

Ground Floor and Mezzanine


Extended office lobby with retail provision and access to upper bank of lifts

Levels 1-4


Trading floor space utilising the footprint of the building's podium

Levels 5-34


Office accommodation capable of being fitted out to suit the needs of legal, tech or financial tenants

Levels 5-34


Office accommodation capable of being fitted out to suit the needs of legal, tech or financial tenants

Levels 35-36


Lift interchange, lobby and flexible office space

Levels 37-54


Accessed from the upper Sky Lobby and providing a range of contemporary office spaces, with clear views in all directions

Levels 55-56


Publically accessible viewing gallery

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